International Volunteering

International Volunteering: What For?
The SVI organises language stays, but our main activity is youth international volunteering. Why is that? Because international volunteering is a real school of life! It enables the young to develop their personal skills and assume their democratic responsibilities. It makes them grow into active and united citizens of the civil society. But international volunteering is ALSO a way to learn foreign languages. When you are on a project abroad, no matter what kind of communication situation you are in, you don’t have the choice but to use a language shared with the other participants and the local association! Had you ever considered this fun and solidarity-based way to learn a language? Whether you’re in school or work for a company, volunteering is always a fulfilling and accessible experience.
Our association struggles every day to make language learning accessible to all, but also to advance the voice of all volunteers, whether they are from Belgium, France, or anywhere in the world.
Raising awareness among young people and institutions about language learning through international volunteering
In order to develop international voluntary projects, the SVI makes a point of educating young people about environmental and social issues. We want to facilitate international dialogue, foster solidarity, and advocate for a better institutional recognition of volunteering. Our goal is to show that international volunteering is an efficient way to overcome language barriers.
Volonteering and learning languages? That is for EVERYONE
Besides accompanying, preparing, and welcoming volunteers for all kinds of programmes, the SVI wants to make these opportunities OPEN to as many young people as possible! That’s the SVI’s job now: reaching out to young people with disabilities, fewer opportunities, a lack of confidence, and tell them it’s still possible, no matter their age! All these activities are open to anyone who is over 14.
Learning languages through this framework is an excellent way to overcome one of the greatest obstacles that stand between you and new people to meet: language barrier. Nothing better than a one- or several-week-long cultural immersion to learn how to communicate with others!
If you feel your language skills could use a little bit of practice before setting out, it’s fine! Our native language teachers are here to give you online classes. Only a few sessions will be enough to make you feel more confident when you’re on your project. Click here for more information.
Need to gain a bit of language confidence before undertaking a project? You can also practise your languages for free by participating in our “Papotes”! Click here for more details regarding our conversation tables.
We want to put a wide range of tools at your disposal. Our goal is to help young students or workers so that they can benefit from learning a language and taking part in a voluntary project. We want to provide you with opportunities to develop your full potential! So get involved!