Alternative Travel (Trans-Siberian Trip 2021)
We invite you to join our Trans-Siberian travel and go across half the globe by train stopping over in different locations. Meet new friends and practice languages!
Discovering a country, a language, a culture
Do you like unusual trips? Alternative travel? Do you want to learn languages while travelling? Are you curious about discovering new cultures, exchanging with others, and learning loads of new things?
Each year, the SVI organises one special trip aimed at contrasting sharply with consumerism or tourism. During one or two weeks, you will be among locals, discovering their country, their language, their culture.
During our traditional October weekend, our members get to choose a destination, a budget, and a theme.
Then, the travellers spend the whole year preparing their alternative trip that will take place during the Easter or summer holiday.
It is much more than a mere organised trip: travelling is a collective activity through which SVI members prepare their trip together with a view to discovering a country, a culture, a language and associations in a way they couldn’t have imagined before.
All the trip – including potential search for financing – is managed by the participants.
Our trips are obviously strictly non-commercial and open to all our members up to date with their contributions! The only thing required is to like travelling differently.
Next trip for 2021: Paris-Vladivostok on the Trans-Siberian!!!
The concept is to go across half the globe by train stopping over in different locations on the journey (Brussels, Saint Petersburg, Lake Baikal, etc.). The team will be made up of French, Belgians, Russians, etc. – all passionate about travelling, meeting new people, and discovering cultures and countries.
Want to be part of this alternative travel adventure?
First preparation meetings: January 2021.
Departure: Summer 2021 (upon confirmation).
Discover new cultuers with the Trans-Siberian alternative travel!
More information about our cultural trips
If you want more information, you can get in touch with our coordinator Milana by email: [email protected] or phone her directly in Moscow : +7 499 34 88 140.
If you want to avoid paying for an international phone call, you can phone her for free thanks to our own app “On vous rappelle” (Let us call you back). All you need to do is leave us your number with your corresponding calling code (e.g. +32 for Belgium, +33 for France. For example +32 3 888 67 13).